What is the Classroom Collaborative?

Offer teachers at your school an opportunity to learn about implementing AI in the classroom

What is it?

  • The Classroom Collaborative is a monthly school-based meetup for teachers to learn and incorporate AI in the classroom. 

  • The goal is to bring educators together in a supportive and enjoyable environment where they can share ideas, collaborate on new teaching strategies, and experiment with fresh approaches in their classrooms.

Getting Started

  • Select your school-based host. This can be you or another enthusiastic educator within your organization (the host role is flexible and can rotate each month, allowing different educators a chance to lead). 

  • Schedule the meetup at a time that works for you. *the goal is to have monthly meetups, but we recognize that might not be possible every month. 

  • Then, encourage your fellow educators to join in—SchoolAI is here to provide support and guidance every step of the way!

Ready to collaborate? Sign up today and start transforming your classroom with the support of a vibrant community of educators. Let’s collaborate, innovate, and make a real difference together!

Sing Up Here



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