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What domains does my school or district need to allow for SchoolAI to work?

Some districts or schools have network policies that disable or block untrusted domains. Here is the list of domains that needs to be allowed in order for SchoolAI to function.

If wildcard domain allow listing is available

Domain Purpose
*.schoolai.com The top level SchoolAI domain and all its subdomains

If wildcard domain allow listing is not available

Domain Purpose
schoolai.com Main website
app.schoolai.com Application website
auth.schoolai.com Authentication
rosterstream.schoolai.com Authentication passthrough
student.schoolai.com Student accounts 
community.schoolai.com SchoolAI user community/forum
help.schoolai.com SchoolAI help center
lti.schoolai.com LTI Authentication passthrough
trust.schoolai.com Trust Center
status.schoolai.com SchoolAI Status Page
images.schoolai.com SchoolAI Content Delivery Network (CDN)