Essay Grader

Learn how to utilize the Essay Grader Assistant to streamline grading

Essay Grader is a powerful tool designed to simplify the essay grading process for teachers. With its smart algorithms, Essay Grader takes the hassle out of evaluating essays by looking at important aspects like structure, coherence, and grammar. This means teachers can spend less time on grading and more time giving helpful feedback, making their jobs a little easier.

To access the Essay Grader, navigate to the Assistants tab and click on Essay Grading Assistant

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How Do I Use Essay Grader?

Pro Tip: If you're unsure how to begin, try chatting with the AI! You can say "Let's grade some English papers!" or, "Remind me how to get started with grading."

1. Upload Your Grading Rubric

Start by identifying and communicating the focus area of the essays, such as the topic, skills taught, and grade level. Interact with the Assistant through the chat and let them know what you are trying to accomplish in this grading session.

If you have your own rubric, upload it to the AI using the paperclip icon near the chat bar at the bottom of the screen; otherwise, you can ask the AI to help you create one to ensure consistent grading.

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2. Submit Student Essays

Provide the text of the student essays you wish to evaluate. This can be done by uploading documents of the student essays one at a time, in bulk, or by copying and pasting text directly into the chat with the AI.
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The Upload Files button will allow you to import files from Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, and your local computer files.

You can submit multiple essays at a time, and the AI will repeat the feedback process for each one.

3. Receive AI Feedback

The AI will evaluate the essays based on the rubric and any additional criteria you provide. You’ll receive detailed, constructive feedback, including grades and rationale as needed.

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